Week Twelve - New Steps
Ideas in a different space, problem swap, cultural and paradigm shift.
Reflections on the lecture
This week’s lectures look at the future and what form graphic design will take and what lies ahead in a general sense. The second part of the lecture is a conversation between Susanna and Mazier Raein. It will explore how ideas are perceived in new environments, impact of future trends and how graphic design can prepare us for future needs and a future world.
What are potential future definitions of design practice? What are the sectors that might change or need to change?
Simon Manchipp
When asked ‘what are the future potential definitions of graphic design,’ Simon Manchipp answered saying that the definition is getting broader. People will be more interested in the overall experience, which won’t necessarily stop at visual media. For example, he spoke about his work for Wolves Football Club, and how a branding project stretched to designing the tunnels at the stadium.
Regular practice: Tom Finn & Kristofer Soelling
Wolves football club branding
Sam Winston
Sam’s perspective on this question was also quite interesting, he started by saying ‘design is a living enquiry into a problem.’ He went onto discuss what he called an ‘attention economy’ and he believes in the future attention will be what is most valuable, and that the nature of graphic design will be shaped by ever-increasing channels of communication. As people increasingly rely on social media, our attention spans have continued to shrink. As a result, I can imagine that graphic designers of the future will have to work harder and harder to win people’s attention.
Regular Practice: Tom Finn & Kristofer Soelling
Regular Practice touched on how that with the increasing reliance on the internet as a design tool, it is likely that design will become a lot bigger. We can already see this happening, with platforms such as Pinterest and Behance causing design trends to be spread more rapidly than ever before. They also thought that there will be an over saturation of digital media, causing people to react against this and move back to print. But it is also chance for you take more unique things in a sea of people producing similar work.
Sarah Boris
When it came to look at the second question, ‘what are the sectors that might change or need to change,’ Sarah had an interesting perspective. She noted that production facilities will have to look towards more print on demand solutions, as companies will be less likely to invest in print and are also more conscious about the environment. The way companies are shifting everyone is more collaborative and therefore more up to speed.
Intro Design: Julian House & Adrian Talbot
Intro Design noted that budgets are getting increasingly smaller, and these two issues are tied together. Clients do not want to put down the money to buy things in bulk anymore, they would rather only print what they sell so there are no overheads. However, the problem is that there is a significant drop in quality when it comes to print on demand.
Susanna Edwards in conversation with Maziar Raein
Susanna’s conversation with Maziar Raein was also very interesting. He emphasised the increasing reliance on collaboration as part of the design process, touching on Simon Manchipp’s idea that graphic design will become much broader in the future. He also mentioned the focus that graphic design will have on dealing with sociopolitical issues.
Maziar also mentioned that his fashion students sometimes hit a wall when it comes to sustainability due to the amount of pollution and waste it’s producing. It makes us question how certain areas of design, particularly ones that rely on natural resources, will be able to survive in the future.
Overall I think the outcome for this brief turned out quite well. I think the idea of a newsletter worked as this could be something a racecourse would use to help promote events and information. However, I think my one of my earlier ideas of potentially doing a leaflet may have been better, just because if this was to go to print leaflets are much easier to distribute. But I think the design and colour palette were successful and I did use some of the photographs I took while documenting the area. I could have improved the content of the newsletter as I think I could have perhaps done more research and fit more information in.